Searched: ‘Gowns’

Fur has been used for warmth for millenia, but in the medieval period it was often an expensive fashion statement.

Late 15thC Short Pleated Gown

Late 15thC Middle Class Gown

15thC Short Fur-Trimmed Wool Gown

15thC Short Fur-Trimmed Wool Gown – Back view

Late 15thC fur-trimmed gown

Late 15thC Burgundian Gown

Late 15thC Gown

Related Searches: 14th Century, 15th Century, Menswear, Womenswear

Tudor clothing can cover a wide range of styles from simple early clothing that resembles medieval fashions to the elaborate and outrageous.

1570’s Tudor women

Elizabethan lady and servant

Tudor women

Tudor women



Tudor kirtle and sleeves

early tudor man

Henrician Man

tudor gown

Tudor 1570’s Gown

tudor gown

Tudor brocade Gown

Early Tudor Gentleman

Early Tudor man

Early Tudor Lady

Early Tudor Lady

Related Searches: Gowns, Womenswear

The final layer was the gown, full length for those that could afford it and the preferred length for the older man. Younger, more fashionable types might prefer a gown so short it barely covered the buttocks.
Wool was practical and hardwearing, silk was for showing off. Fur was used for warmth and demonstrated a certain level of wealth also.

Shorter coats were worn by poorer or working men.

Prices start from £155 for a simple short wool coat up to many hundreds for a silk gown with all the trimmings.

15thC Long Wool Gown

15thC Long Wool Gown

15thC Long Wool Gown

15thC Short Pleated Fur-trimmed Wool Gown

15thC Short Pleated Wool Gown

15thC Long Wool Gown

15thC Working Man’s Coat in undyed wool

15thC Mid-length buttoned wool coat

15thC Mid-length middle class wool gown

Related Searches: 15th Century, Menswear

Gowns of various styles from the 15th Century.
Prices start from £265

Related Searches: 15th Century, Womenswear